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A Relish Pan made delicious griddle than when you use a charcoal fire because it radiates infrared rays. Fuel expenses of charcoal of charcoal BBQ is expensive compared to a relish pan and burning charcoal is also troublesome[bothersome] task considered fuel efficiency. If you use A Relish Pan, you can save fuel expenses and do not need to do troublesome task. ▶ Patented Licensed Bio : "Matdori" and "Matsooni" (Heat resistant appliance) 1. Using high technology in making lighter and smaller products(convenient to use) such as household appliances in our daily lives is the current trend. 2. Existing heat resistant products in the market that are made from stone are usually heavy and very fragile. 3. Bio : "Matdori" and "Matsooni" products are light in weight. 4. Bio : "Matdori" and "Matsooni" products are half the weight when compared to the same-sized previously existing heat-resistant products. 5. Bio : "Matdori" and "Matsooni" are strong under fire and they do not break easily 6. Bio : "Matdori" and " Matsooni" infrared property is much better than any other existing products in the market. (ex : it gets rid off the foul odor of pork and ducks) 7. Bio : "Matdori" and "Matsooni" guarantee above listed qualities and work under a recall system since the establishment 1998 to all unsatisfied customs.

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